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Master Art Education research podcast

In September 2022 I started with the Master Art Education at Fontys School for Fine and Performing Arts. Even though I am a starter at the study, I’ll start right away with graduation research. The study I finished a few months before I started with the Master – Teacher Training Visual Arts – I created a frame work called Beyond The Cool. 

This framework is for digital art educative platform about [the lack] of perspectives within art education. The research and interviews with students and experts showed me that the next step is to not focus that much on creating a digital platform for pupils / students, but for art teachers and lecturers. For this reason I start right away with my research. 

To track down my progress and what I have seen or read I have created this podcast. I already did this during my Teacher Training, so the first episode isn’t 1, but 8. Note: the podcast is in Dutch.

Recent Episodes

008 - Why?

008 - Why?

Latest Episode

About the show

Black Digest started as a private audio journal during the graduation year of my Teacher Training. Documenting your journey in a blog or Padlet was mandatory. Instead of writing I wanted something that tied in with the topics I was working with: cultural identity and perspectives. 

As I did a lot of research into hiphop and the Caribbean culture, oral storytelling is key for those cultures. As someone with Caribbean roots I know that storytelling is vital in our family. That is why I decided to tapped into something that was close to me, and is still not explored with the Dutch college system for exams. I will continue with Black Digest as part of my journal for my master graduation research.

Meet the Host

Host Kesha Felipa

Black Art Educator | Visual Storyteller with Caribbean, born and raised in the South of the Netherlands. 

Studied at Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI), ArtEZ and Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts.