Founded as a design studio in 2015 Felipa has explore different angles to design products. In 2019 the call to create this manifesto became louder and louder. As the number of clothes that are finding their way to landfills is growing, fast fashion still exists and climate is changing for the worst, Felipa has decide to use her visual skills to re-image the world. First, she dropped the use of the word Fashion out of the studio’s communication. Fashion still implies the rat race of hypes, weekly supply of high street stores and low prices. Felipa rather wants to focus on imagining, design solutions and research our desire to displaying our identity.
Second, Felipa wants to give even more weight to her WHY of being a creative. Felipa believes that creativity, design and research can help us find happiness. And satisfaction, if it is done on an qualitative and sustainable manner. Too often she will hear that she can better drop out of the creative industry, because it is a waste of time. And choose a better career. Only most of these ‘careers’ involves dreadful jobs, bullshit jobs and no solution to our problems. After listing the podcast Creative Pep Talk [episode 202] she strongly is convinced that creativity is her way.
The studio’s work expands to illustration, apparel graphics design, textile design, visual research, brainstorms and cultural research. At this moment Felipa is working on her skill to create motion graphics and animation to complete her skills set to convey her artistic views on design, culture and society. For its range of products KESHA FELIPA is finding ways to do this that are local produced, sustainable and eco-friendly.
KESHA FELIPA is open for new projects in the field of commercial and cultural fields. For her it is important that the projects are inline with the drivers of the studio. As trained fashion designer she knows the downsides of production and the pain of exclusion. So she wants the multiple-discipline studio to contribute and construct to a wonderful and bright world. This means that the studio will be critical of projects and organizations it will be involve with.