Dat bepaal ik zelf wel!

Do-It-Yourself museum tour for kids

The project started with the following question: How can you as art educator hold space for children (9-12 yrs.), for them to interact with art in a museum?

A daring and tongue-in-the-cheek project with fine artist and poet Kai Chang. We wanted to challenge Voorlinden Museum which is labelled as the ‘most instagrammable museum’ of the Netherlands. We did so by creating an analogue art educative product. Central to the product is to shift the focus of looking at electric devices and using apps all day, even in a museum, to explore art by using your imagination.

The end product is a clean – yet playful – booklet with Visual looking exercises that will let children explore art and create their own story by looking at art. This story is the basis for them to be a guide for family and friends in Voorlinden Museum. And show what have captured their attention.


Project: Part of the course Kunsteducatie/ museumeducatie (Art education/museum education) during Visual Arts Teachers Training at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Tilburg

Project date: DEC 2020 – MAR 2021

Categories: Art Education + Illustration + Collaboration

Further details project PDF: Click Dat bepaal ik zelf wel – Do-It-Yourself Museum tour for kids for PDF
